iGM User Guide | ONEMarketplace

User Guide

iGM User Guide | ONEMarketplace

The sports media landscape is rapidly changing, with operators and consumers demanding more flexibility and choice. Introducing ONEMarketplace, the revolutionary CMS marketplace where rights holders can accurately value and sell their sports video content while operators can hand pick only the content they want.

Powered by cutting-edge machine learning algorithms, ONEMarketplace provides accurate and transparent pricing for rights holders to monetize their content. Operators benefit from the flexibility to choose specific sports rights tailored to their audience rather than being forced into bundled deals.

By connecting rights holders directly with operators, ONEMarketplace modernises sports media commerce to be more efficient, transparent and mutually beneficial for both sides.


The authentication required in the application is an email and password combination followed by a 2FA code.

Accounts can be set up by users with the admin role, as will be covered later in the User Management section.

Ticking the Stay Signed In button will allow the user to access the application for 24 hours after successfully logging in without having to authenticate again.

The Forgot Password functionality checks a user email, and if a user with that email exists, sends an email with a link to allow the user to reset their password.

Upon providing the correct authentication credentials, the user will be brought to the page shown and an email with a 2FA code sent to their email address. Entering the verification code sent to the email will grant access to the application.

User Management

Users with the admin role have access to the user management page. From here all expected user-related actions can be completed including user creation, role assignments, resetting passwords editing and deleting users.

The user management table shows all existing users, their last login date, and their roles.

User Creation

Clicking the Add User button will trigger a popup which is where the user’s email is input, and role is selected. Upon confirmation, an email will be sent to the user’s email which contains a link
for them to set their application password.

The Actions column in the user management table contains the functionality for updating user roles, resetting user passwords, editing, and deleting users.

Technical Providers

Your streaming content is sent to iGameMedia through technical suppliers. These are the production companies responsible for routing the stream to us for transcoding and onward distribution to your customers.

The resources and delivery methods used for this content ingest are details which will be agreed between the rights holder, technical supplier and iGameMedia. These details will be inserted into the streaming platform by iGameMedia, and this will enable the simple selection of ingest resources to be used for a fixture within the ONEMarketplace.

Technical providers will have user accounts which they will use to supply the ingest details for a fixture (to be discussed in the next section). These users will only have an ability to view, and supply ingest details for fixtures for which they are the associated technical supplier.

Each day an email will be sent to all users of each technical supplier with the list of upcoming fixtures over the following seven days along with a link to provide the ingest details.

Booking Fixtures

This page is where you will book your streaming fixtures. iGameMedia will assign you access to the schedules of the competitions for which you own streaming rights. The event table will display the fixtures of these assigned competitions sorted by their start date and time in ascending order.

Creating Fixtures

If a fixture is missing from the schedule, it can be added manually using the “Add New Fixture+” functionality at the top of the table. The new fixture pop-up contains fields to input the fixture’s Title,
Competition, Start and End Time, Geo-Restricted Territories, and Home and Away Team territory.

The created fixture will automatically inherit the georestricted territories of the selected competition. The Unknown Team checkbox will list the created fixtures with a title of TBD vs TBD. This can be a useful shortcut in the case that the existence of a fixture is known while the competitors are not.

To select your streaming fixtures, select the checkbox beside the relevant table rows. These selected fixtures will be added directly to your Book Fixtures checkout. You can navigate to the checkout by clicking the cart icon in the top right of the table. From the checkout, you can review your selections, remove any incorrect selections, or
confirm your selections. Once the Confirm button is pressed, the fixtures in your cart are booked and are ready to have ingest details supplied.

Upcoming Booked Fixtures

This page displays all the upcoming fixtures which have been booked for streaming. Event details can be changed by clicking the edit icon beside the relevant event. The event ingest can be cancelled by clicking the delete button, this will be available up to X hours before kick-off.

The JSON button at the top of the page triggers the opening of a new tab showing the metadata of all events contained in the table. The CSV button triggers the downloading of a file containing all the events in the table.

Providing ingest details

The Ingest column in the Upcoming Booked Fixtures table contains a drop-down with the three ingest methods listed: IP, Satellite, and BT Tower. This is where the delivery method for content ingest is specified and the required ingest details are provided. The resources available for use in the ingest of content from different technical providers will be discussed and planned with iGameMedia engineers upon initial rights set-up.

Ingest details can be input by users from:
– The relevant technical provider
– The rights holder
– iGameMedia’s operations team

The ingest details required for each delivery method are:
IP: A selection from the drop-down list of all available resources for this rights holder/technical provider/right combination.
BT Tower: The source (e.g. HD/Setanta 5 or HD/LOG G81). iGameMedia will handle obtaining the feed once the source is specified.
Satellite: The Satellite used, BISS code (if applicable), Symbol Rate, Download Frequency, Download Polarity, Audio Channels, Start Date and Time, End Date and Time. The Satellite pop-up also allows the attaching of files with relevant ingest details. The file types supported are .eml, .txt, .rtf, .olm and .msg. iGameMedia will handle obtaining the feed once these details are specified.


This page is where you will set the georestricted territories for your rights as well as the allowed territories for operators.

To add countries to either the Allowed or Blocked Countries lists, drag and drop the relevant country tile from the All Countries list. To remove a country currently in the Allowed or Blocked Countries lists, drag the relevant country tile and drop it back in the All Countries list.

Selecting a right from the Rights drop-down will cause the Blocked Countries list to become populated by the countries which are currently set as the blocked territories for that right. If empty, there are no geo-restrictions currently set.

Selecting an operator from the Operator dropdown will cause the Allowed Countries list to become populated by the countries which are currently set as the allowed territories for that right. If empty, there are no restrictions on allowed countries currently set meaning that the operator can stream in all territories globally. Be aware, that confirming modifications to the Allowed Countries list with only an operator selected will overwrite all rights-specific allowed territories that have been set for that operator.

Selecting both an operator and a right from the drop-downs will cause the Allowed Countries list to become populated by the countries which are currently set as the allowed territories for that right/operator pairing and will cause the Blocked Countries list to become populated by the countries which are currently set as the blocked territories for that right. Here you can set right-specific allowed territories for that right/operator pairing.

To confirm your modifications, press the Confirm button beneath the Right/Operator drop-downs or to discard any changes press the Cancel button.


The analytics dashboard is a business intelligence page to report on the viewing data from the rights holder’s portfolio. The filters allow the user to return the specific subset of data they wish to investigate. The filters are:
– Start Date
– End Date
– Operator (multi-select)
– Sport (multi-select)
– Competition (multi-select)
– Country (multi-select)
– Stream Format (HLS/ULL)
– Data Type (Views/Unique Users/Viewing Time/Bandwidth)

Rights Holders can add bookmarks for commonly used sets of filters by pressing the ribbon icon beside ‘Bookmarks’. This will trigger a popup requesting a name for the bookmark. The bookmark can then be clicked on directly in the future to automatically select those filters.

The breakdown of operating systems and devices used in the viewing of streams is reported in tables beside the bookmark section. The banner below the Operating System and Device Type Breakdown tables shows the key aggregate reporting metrics: Unique Users, Total Views, Views Per Event and #1 Country (by Unique Users).

The donut chart gives the total proportion of each category from the selected metric in the donut drop-down (Operator, Sport, Competition). The donut can also be made a Top 10 listing in the selected metric by pressing the list icon. These can be useful in identifying top performers in the selected metric. The time series chart reports the viewing data across the selected period. The data can be grouped by:
– Day
– Week
– Month
– Year
– Time of Day
– Weekday

If multiple selections are made in any of the filters, then multiple line charts for each of the combinations of selected filters will be shown. In this case, the view can be swapped between single or multiple lines by choosing either Total or Individual respectively in the time series drop-down. A trend line can be added to the time series by pressing the trendline icon above the time series.

Finally, there is the geo-chart; this is a heat map of the territories where users viewed the events returned by the user’s filter selections. Hovering over a country will show a label with that country’s name, views, unique users, bandwidth and views per event.